Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 222)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 222)
Again, unlike regional saints such as Nabi Musa, Nabi Rubeen and Nabi
Saleh which were honoured at annual religious festivals, all holy
shrines in Deir Ghassaneh except al-Khawwas were honoured and revered
on a daily basis. As we will see below al-Khawwaswas especially
honoured by the women of Deir Ghassaneh and neighbouring villages
during the festive day of mawsam el-banat (the season of girls).
THE KHAWWAS SANCTUARY (makam al-Khawwas)
Located on top of a nearby hill, al-Khawwa® occupies a prominent and
conspicuous location (Fig. 6.6). This makam marks the hermitage site
of al-Khawwas, a holy stranger, believed to be from Egypt, who often
appeared to the villagers of Deir Ghassaneh.
The small rubble stone building with its two relatively big domes
can be seen from a distance as it stands alone against the blue
a an <p
Fig. 6.6': The Khawwas sanctuary
background of the skies. The isolated and distant location of the
shrine not only added to the tranquillity of the place, but made it
accessible to all visitors from Deir Ghassaneh and neighbouring
villages. Its location in the fields, i.e., outside village male or
kinship domains made it possible for women to reach it whenever
needed. The ritual act of honouring al-Khawwas was enhanced by the
long up-hill trip that one took to reach it.
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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