Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 224)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 224)
As in the mosque, the entrance of the makam is from the north. As
one enters through either one of the two doors, one must bow, showing
respect and submission to the spirit of the weli, which was believed
to be always present. In the past, the post and lintels of the two
doors were painted with henna, which was, and still is, believed to
be sacred. The two mihrabs (prayer niches) protruding from the
southern elevation (Fig. 6.8) are in the direction of Mecca.
Today the Khawwas, like most other makamat, is neglected and run
down. However, until the 1940s the makam had a very serene interior.
It had no furnishings except for the few straw mattresses donated
to the weli by the villagers. The interior walls, as well as the
northern elevation, were kept white-
washed. White in Muslim - tradition
symbolizes the Divine Being, the
heavenly light and the good spirit
(ibid: XIV). Hence, holy men appeared
either in white or green; white cloths
were tied around the weli's tomb and
silver coins were placed under the
threshold of entrances. On the interior
walls of the makam some Koranic verses
were written. These were believed to
drive away evil spirits. On the western
wall, there is a small niche where an Fig. 6.7: Interior of al-
oil lamp was always kept burning (Fig. Khawwas
E+), Villagers carried with them oil lamps (sometimes olive oil)
which they gave to the guardian of the makam (le-kaiyem) who took
care of the place. In front of the makam entrance a pitcher of
water was kept to refresh visitors.
Villagers from both Deir Ghassaneh and neighbouring villages honoured
al-Khwwas by making vows (nider) in his name and by bringing him
different offerings. Some lit oil lamps or incense in his honour};
some cleaned the makam's floor; some brought him straw mats; others
repainted and re-modeled his makam, or made offerings of a lamb on
the site.
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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