Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 227)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 227)
S pri ing
celebration called
by a festive event, the annual
iat (the season of ¢ . {The
mavexm ol-banat
the month of Thursdays
ferred to as
re celebrated.
village of Nabi Saleh), the women of Deir Ghassaneh, accompanied bj
their children dressed in their best clothes, would carry the food
ps to
platform in front of
it few days and walk in groups
J maka! As they sat on the
shaded by the surrounding olive trees, some chatted, and
hile the little boys played the shabbabeh
wooden 2 flutes). In a random Ways wonen would go in and out of the
they had been preparing for the la
others sang and danced
ng incense and tying white
This would go on until
when the women would leave ina festive spirit, not
ured the Khawwas and gained his blessings,
[8 was one of the very few occasions when the
women of Deir Ghassaneh, particularly the Barghout able
to leave the restrictive boundaries of their homes and escape their
daily routine and its drudgery.
In Deir Ghassaneh, as in other Palestinian villages, many
and artifacts were seen as poss
landscape features essing deep
spiritual meanings. Particular trees, springs, caves, stone heaps,
and certain localities were perceived as the place of supernatural
re both resp: cd.
powers and hence we scted and feare
A number of trees in Deir Ghassaneh
derived sanctity from the saint
to which they were dedicated. The olive grove around al-kha
to al-Majdoub and al-Rifa'i shrines,
sanctity just by their proximity to the holy shrines.
The most honoured and revered
ree in Deir Ghassaneh, the tree of
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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