Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 231)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 231)
or as a
The latter was
on the ceiling
The serpent, which represented life, was also a common motif,
fe bins (khawabi).
ften on food storag
The wheat plant was another common motif: "All wheat grains are
said still to bear the alef, the first letter of Allah"
(Cana'tan, 1928: 155).
Floral and faunal designs were often used in different
places; house doors, keystones, etc. Some of thes
e had symbolic
values; others were
1922), (Fig 0).
ea Oe
decorative only (Cana'an, 1928 and Hanover
try doors,
rticularly thresholds (el~'atabeh) had highly
symbolic meaning (chapter 4).
Sour dough (khamireh) as mentioned earlier, was stuck by the
bride on the jamb of the house door so as to ensure fertility and
prosperity for the newly-wed.
ese items are some of the artifacts which have had superstitions
d with them, and which might be passed b
were not aware of their meanings for this culture.
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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