Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 240)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 240)
which were free of man-made structur:
the belts of empty lots around
buildings; all created
Being the throne village of Bani Zaid sheikhdom, Deir Ghassaneh, was
characterized by a distinct system of social stratification. The
dominant social and spatial feature was the division betwe
dominant Ba and the subordinate fallaheen (non-
Barghouthis by definition)»
en the
The political and social dominance of the Barghouthis represnted by
it, in the @ centrality 0 of t the ‘plaza (dneluding - the sheikh's dwelling)
in relation to the rest of the village, and in the prominance of the
yhouthi quarter in relation to the rest of the fallaheen quarters
as well as in the elaborate semi-urban
forms of their architecture in
heen built forms.
comparison to the simple fall
The social structure was one in which the basic social
village level were clearly :
units at the
divisions. Those in turn corresponded to specific units « spa
a [The allocation of village space was greatly influenced
by a hierarchical system of control. Patronage and patriarchy
determined the control of wealth by men, and the division of labour
along gender line
control exercised by the
within a hierarchical system of
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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