Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 241)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 241)
The ideology of geneology (i.e., belonging to the same ancestor) was
the det
srminant factor in > maintaining this hierarchical
fhe caste-like separation
into courtyard dwellings |
oser kinship ties,
was based onc
Attitudes towards privacy and seclusion af.
2 that marked the different geneologi« pac WALL :
Barghouthis the line separating the outside public
world from the inner Private world was di
the case of the
In both cases the law of
igible as spouses) dictated rules
vements at the house level. While the law of
fallaheen women, who mingled
the fields, the law of mahram ce
their homes.
gender separation existed. However gener separatio:
to kinship separ
relation to men. The village built space could be seen as _aeguente
of male and female domains. Whi
withen kinshi:
own living quarters.
The differential status and role between the
male :
Sarghouthi and the
reflected itself in the definition of most » Parghoutha
nd female domains. : h : }
aheen women
While wo
the 1
homes as their domain,
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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