Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 246)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 246)
changes in
tion systems, and changes in the occupational
[These three factors worked together to produce and
below had the direct consequence
’ undermining the powers which the sheikh of Deir (Ghassaneh -
together with other highlands sheikhs - enjoyed for centuries. The
ptoman government, and later the British Mandate, started to shift
their alliance from the village sheikh to powerful urban notables.
sheikhs' private armies were slowly dissolved;
ewly appointed village notables, the
ing-mukhtar) were appointed by the Britieh
ore specifically the different
or three
passed from th
Now the village may have two
y the political and the ecanomic
(Baer, 19803103). The
sheikhs were also stripped of their powers as tax-farmers, as these
powers were given tot
an notables, usually on an auction
As aresult, the villagers no longer depen an the nr
their sheikh and his
landlords, primarily
private army, but were dependent on absentee
leaders whose power reached out from
network of villages.
ir towns LO a whole
onsequently, the sheikhdom lost its status as a relatively
independent omens
village in national —
iti The role played
of the dominant Barghouth1 clans wai
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Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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