Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 247)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 247)
started as
private ownership,
reforms were ful
ng Mar As a result of these
the village tax responsibilities (el-'ushur, the tenth)
dividual responsibility. The change in forms of land
the long run resulted in the creation of big absentee
and the deprivation of smaller peasants of their lands
y areas of rural Falestiney although
not necessarily in Deir Ghassaneh, this meant the d
nges the village subsistence crops gave
982), a decline in the
village autark ~sufficiency. This development eventually
resulted in the integration of the villa
conomy in the regional
ditisation of the village crops.
The collapse of the subsistence agricultural system, along with
other developments, resulted in the migration of village residents to
seek work in urban centres 1980. 32). The village no
subsistence, and this weakened the peasant's "organic
the land.
and world economy and hence the conn
In the particular case of Deir Ghassaneh
weaker than elsewhere in the highlands due to the dor
inant impact of
tana that was generated by privatisation and work opportunities
Sarghouthis - nevertheless the marginalisation of agricultural
into a world whose centre of gravity th
was the nation.
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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