Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 252)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 252)
Fig. I1.4: a) new school built in 1925 b) olive press in between old
structures c) new house replacing an old one
built ina number of ways: adjacent to old structures (such as' the
new school built in 1925 next to the guest-house), in between old
houses (eg. new olive-presses 1927); on top of old structures, or
replacing them (Fig. II.4).
The 1930s witnessed the breaking away of some structures from the
traditional architectural fabric into a loose pattern of dispersion.
The first structures built outside the old nucleus were the houses of
the Hussein (Barghouthi) sub-clans and the house of sheikh Abdul
Rahman el-Halabi (Fig. II.5). The Hussein family, who were the
first to move out of the old village nucleus, came from the village
of al-Mzeir'a and built their new houses to the northwest of the
village, hence forming the first new quarter. Abdul Rahman el Halabi
who was the village Alem (learned man), was the first school teacher
to be appointed by the British Mandate as a formal teacher. He built
his house outside the village in 1933.
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Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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