Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 256)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 256)
mosque (Fig. II.7) the Princess Zuhra mosque, carries the name of its
Kuwaiti donor, reflecting the externally-oriented relations that the
villagers of Deir Ghassaneh have with the world today. The old
village mosque has been used as a kindergarten for the last four
As the old centre of the village lost its functional role and
meaning, a new village centre has appeared to replace the old one
(Fig. II.8). This new male gathering point is located next to the
village main "commercial centre". The village main shop, two billiard
saloons, a chicken shop, and a coffee-shop form the boundary of the
new centre. In contrast with the well-contained introverted old
village centre, the new centre is located along the main road, which
connects the village to the world outside.
Fig. 11.8: The new village centre located along the main road
With the decline of the old village centre, the whole "traditional"
nucleus of the village has also gradually lost its importance. As
figure I1.9 illustrates, most of the village old quarters,
particularly the Barghouthi quarter, are extensively run down and
physically dilapidated. Today, most parts of the old village are
deserted in favour of the newer sections along the main roads (fig.
II.10). Data gathered from the field show that the old part of the
village houses older age groups and the poorer section of the village
population. Today the old core is associated with tradition and
poverty while the new sections are associated with modernity and
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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