From the Pages of the Defter (ص 7)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 7)
To scholars who have generously shared with me their knowledge and their research
(particularly when | could not otherwise obtain it), and who encouraged me in my research
interests and helped me further them: Martha Mundy, Zouhair Ghazzal, Iris Agmon,
Kimberly Katz, Michael Provence, Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, Michael Gilsenan, Marion Katz, Etem
and Sibel Erol, John Fousek, Meltem Toks6z, Mahmoud Taleb al-Nammoura, Khalid ‘Abd al-
Karim al-Manasreh, Cengiz Tomar, Zeidan A. Kafafi, Farouk Yaghmour, Avner Wishnitzer,
Nora Barakat, and Ruth Kark.
To the many individuals | am deeply indebted: Penny Mitchell, Gnhada al-Madbouh
and everyone at PARC, without whose backing and aid my research in Hebron literally would
not have been possible. To Barbara Porter and Chris Tuttle at ACOR, whose support and
gracious kindness opened (and sometimes re-opened) many doors for me in Amman. To
Helena Vilinski at the Israeli State Archives and AbduAllah Damdoum and Afnan Alawneh at
the Archive and Microfilm division of the University of Jordan library, whose extraordinary
helpfulness greatly facilitated my research and whose personableness lights up their
archives . To Peter Magierski, Guy Burak, the library staff at NYU, the library staff at ISAM,
the library staff at the National Library of Israel, the library staff at the University of Jordan,
Eli and Khaled Awwad, the library staff at Hebron University, and the library staff at the
Hebron municipal library, | am deeply indebted.
To ACOR, PARC, The Kenyon Institute of the Council for British Research in the Levant
(and here | must gratefully mention Mandy Turner), Tel Aviv University, and the Watson
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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