From the Pages of the Defter (ص 8)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 8)
Institute at Brown University (with special gratitude to Beshara Doumani): where | have
been able to present findings from various stages of my research project; | am thankful and
wiser for the experiences.
To Zyad Rjoub, who helped me learn how to decipher nineteenth-century Arabic
script. To Ibrahim Halil Kalkan, who generously, thoughtfully, and patiently always answers
my inquiries about Ottoman. To Alex Winder, who kindly took time to search out for me
needed archival material | realized too late that | had forgotten. To Leena Dallasheh, for
many conversations about Palestinian history and other pressing matters. To Micaela
Sinibaldi and Eman Morsi, for academic and non-academic support and true friendship. To
Anas Mustafa Mahmoud al-Natsheh, who did all he could. To my parents, for whom all
words are inadequate and all thanks insufficient. To Noreen, Audrey, Don, Brian, Olivia, and
Wyatt, who helped me get through this successfully in more ways than they know, perhaps.
To Joseph Jones, who gave me immeasurable strength during the last push. And to all those
| have neglected to mention by name, for my debts of gratitude are sizeable; thank you.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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