From the Pages of the Defter (ص 19)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 19)
noteworthy to recall, indeed it is incumbent upon us to note, perhaps the largest body of
research on questions of land tenure in the Ottoman period has been focused on this region.
The interest in these questions has been great because of the ongoing ethno-national
conflict there, which began in the Ottoman period. This conflict is inextricably entangled
with the questions of ownership of the lands and rights of tenure on them.
| do not suggest that all historical studies of land tenure in Palestine or even most of
them are enlisted, nationalist histories. However, historical studies of areas enmeshed in
ethno-national conflict can affect historical memory. And they do affect it and, we need
acknowledge, they endeavor to affect it. Historical memory—the way that individuals and
societies remember the past—is inextricably intertwined with the way that individuals and
societies understand the present, and with the way they envision the future.” Of course, all
new histories can and do affect historical memories, but in areas of ethno-national conflict
the stakes are higher.
The longstanding paradigm of the failure of Ottoman-era land reform has not been
subjected to adequate scrutiny. Shortly, | will demonstrate that its strength is more
historiographical than historical. There has been a regrettable lack of empirical study on the
implementation of Ottoman property-tenure reform because the sources that would permit
methodical investigation — the defters of the commissions that were assigned to travel to
: Margaret E. Smith, Reckoning with the Past: Teaching History in Northern Ireland (Lanham, MD:
Lexington Books, 2005), 13.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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