From the Pages of the Defter (ص 22)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 22)
However, the copious historiographical attention that Tanzimat-era land reform has
received in histories of Palestine has comparatively little to do with the implementation of
the reform through land-survey and ownership-registration commissions, or with Ottoman
contingencies, tax reform, and the innovation of registering urban and village-area garden-
plots, buildings, and structures for the first time. A narrow approach has characterized
studies of Ottoman land-tenure reform in Palestine. It has been analyzed almost exclusively
in terms of its “success” or “failure”. This two-dimensional parameter has been evaluated
according to one standard above all others: the tapu certificate, more specifically, the
number of people who could produce one to prove their land tenure. This study will propose
a broader approach and an examination of other sources, in order to better evaluate the
degree to which property-tenure reforms were implemented. The following sections three
sections review the development of historical knowledge on Tanzimat land-tenure reform in
The Historical Creation of a Historiographical Paradigm: the Early Years
The simultaneous spread and non-development of the paradigm is best understood through
excerpts from the literature. It is important to observe that the same arguments have
survived almost verbatim from work to work on the implementation of land reform, without
Landholding and Commercial Agriculture in the Middle East, NY: SUNY Press, 1991, pp. 123-133; and
contributions by Huri Islamoglu, Martha Mundy, Denise Jorgens and Martin Bunton in the section on
“The Transformation of Property Relations Following the 1858 Land Law” in Roger Owen, ed. New
Perspectives on Property and Land in the Middle East, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2000.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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