From the Pages of the Defter (ص 25)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 25)
In reference to fictitious and long-dead individuals, Ruedy cites two sources: Doreen
Warriner’ and the 1945 British Survey of Palestine.’° When we search out Ruedy’s citations,
it is observed that they do not cite proofs to corroborate their unequivocal assertions of
falsification of the records. Warriner’s article is the text of a presentation she gave in 1944 to
the British wartime economic regional-planning agency, the Middle East Supply Centre. It
had not previously been published.”” It contains no references to her sources of information.
Her assessment of the Land Code and its “muddled and rather meaningless legal categories”,
although not untypical of Western sources of the day, reveals her misunderstanding of it and
of Ottoman law and society. Surprised and disappointed that the Land Code did not cover
questions of tenants’ rights, she concluded, “The Ottoman Land Code apparently does none
of the things that a land-tenure code ought to do.” **
Ruedy’s other source, the Mandate authority's 1945 Survey of Palestine, was
prepared hastily for the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry over two months, The Survey
°? Doreen Warriner, “Land Tenure Problems in the Fertile Crescent in the Nineteenth and Twentieth
Centuries”, in Charles Issawi, ed. The Economic History of the Middle East 1800-1914, A Book of
Readings (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1966): 71-78.
‘© A Survey of Palestine, Prepared in December 1945 and January 1946 for the information of the Anglo-
American Committee of Inquiry, vol. 1, (Palestine: Government Printer,1945), Clauses 38-39, 237-238.
(Hereafter, A Survey).
‘t Warriner, 72. On the Centre, see Martin W. Wilmington, The Middle East Supply Centre, edited and
updated by Laurence Evans (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1971).
” Ibid., 73.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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