From the Pages of the Defter (ص 35)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 35)
required people to give their birthdate. Therefore, it seems the likely source to which an
army wanting to see lists of names would have referred. After all, the population registers
were also designed to record details of military service as well as distinguishing physical
features, deformities, and handicaps which might render one unfit for service.*” Tapu (title
deed) and tax registers included none of this personal information. They were merely lists of
Chapters 2 and 3 of this study investigate the implementation of property
registration as reflected in the foundational register (esas defteri) of the properties (em/ak)
commission for the Hebron district. Chapter 2 studies the building-scape of the villages and
surveys the population as reflected in the defter through its residences. | compare this
relative population data to other, contemporary Ottoman data on the local population to
gauge as accurately as possible the degree to which the emlak registry reflects the size of the
population. Chapter 3 examines the size of landholdings in the Hebron district and the
cumulative amounts of individuals’ landholdings with the goal of determining the level of
regional socioeconomic stratification. The chapter seeks to identify patterns of land tenure
and land registration. These chapters demonstrate that in the case of Hebron there is no
evidence to substantiate this pillar of the traditional paradigm of the implementation of land
tenure reform. Quite the opposite, given the immenseness of the undertaking —creating a
*? My research on the 1321 (1905) population registers of Hebron and Hebron villages, of which | make
use in this study, will be published in the future.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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