From the Pages of the Defter (ص 52)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 52)
Also in 1860, village-by-village registrations commissions for both the population and
properties were called for. The Tahrir-i nufis ve emlak®’ was a significant law, composed of
seven chapters laying out in relative detail the framework and procedure for property
tenure, registration and property tax that would be declared in laws issued over the
following two decades. It is important to emphasize that the law called for registration of
emlak, (properties) and not merely arazi (lands), because this important component of the
reform is often overlooked in studies embroiled in land-tenure questions.
The commissions were to be tasked with registering the Empire: “the true value of
houses, khans, shops, and similar properties, of farms, mills, factories and other income-
\7 64
bearing properties, and of all lands in genera The commissions were likewise asked to
record tax-free properties: “mosques, mesjids, Government buildings, schools, places of
worship belonging to all communities and similar public buildings”.©° In fact, the
enumeration of structures was prescribed as the first duty of the commissions, before
landed properties. They were directed to count all structures, assign a number to each unit,
record that number in a record book which would serve as the basis for the locale’s
°° The law was promulgated on 14 Jumadi | 1277 / 28 November 1860. See Ongley, 111-134.
** Ibid., Chapter 2, Article 9, pp. 117-118. In this section | rely on Ongley’s translations which, where
comparable with original texts, | have found to be generally accurate. Ongley translated from the
original Ottoman Turkish.
6 Ibid., Chapter 2, Article 10, p. 117.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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