From the Pages of the Defter (ص 56)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 56)
Also noteworthy in this article of the law is the foreshadowing of the issuance in 1865
of a law requiring title deeds for endowed properties. Both arazi mevkufe and mulk, (private
property) had been excluded from the 1858 Land Code. In sum, then, the 1860 Tahrir-i
Emlak ve Nufus can be seen as expression of the empire’s long-term vision.
Almost another decade would pass, however, before an order was issued for
commissions to be dispatched to villages to systematically record all properties. A note from
the Ministry of the Defterhane written in December 1871 (1288 H) notes that a yoklama
(examination) official was to be appointed in every sancak, supported by a team of scribes.
Local committees at the village level were to work with this official and his team at the
village level to register all miri lands in the district. ”
Later that same year, a law regarding the issue of title deeds for private property
(milk, pl. emlak) was promulgated, and it, too, called for yoklama commissions to register
properties first in the towns and, following them, the villages. Yoklama (Aa 9.1 is often
and these commissions’ work as “surveying”.’° In fact, however, as
translated as “roll-cal
the preceding discussion has shown, despite personal and property registration being legally
mandatory, its implementation depended on local cooperation. According to the procedure,
~ Mundy and Saumarez-Smith, 51 and endnote 76, pp. 256-257. The date on the document is 5 Shawwal
1288 / 18 December 1871.
’® This is the third of four possible definitions offered in the Redhouse Yeni Tiirkce — inglizce S6zltik , after
(1) verbal noun of yokla (to feel with the fingers or hand; to examine, inspect, search; to try, to test);
and (2) examination, test, inspection. (Istanbul: Redouse Yayinevi, 1968, Eighth edition 1986), p. 1259.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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