From the Pages of the Defter (ص 59)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 59)
Tax Reform
Simplification and streamlining of the tax system were goals of the reforms declared in the
November 1839 Gulhane Hatt-! Himayunu which inaugurated the Tanzimat. In reality, these
reforms had begun earlier, under Sultan Mahmud II (r. 1808-1839). Stanford Shaw traced
Tanzimat-era tax reform ideas to a proclamation of reform in early 1838.>"
Table 1.1
Fees Charged Property Owners to Register Emlak, according to the
1874 Emlak Registration Law”
Costs to Register One Property
Assessed Property Cost of Certificate | Additional Fees
Value of milk (kurus) (kurus) (kurus)
< 5,000
5,000 — 10,000
10,000 — 20,000
20,000 — 30,000
every additional
10,000 (to 100,000)
90,000 - 100,000 3 50
2 100,000
+ 5 (ea. 10,000)
More recently, even earlier proof of reform has come to light. A temettuat (profits) register
brought to light by Ismail Demir for the population of Kayseri, in central Anatolia, indicates
8! This was on 23 February 1838 / 19 Dhu al-Qa’da 1255H. Stanford Shaw, “The Nineteenth-Century
Ottoman Tax Reforms and Revenue System”, LIMES 6/4 (1975): 422.
® Source: 28 Rajab 1291 (10 September 1874) Emlak-i sirf icin Defterhane’den verilecek senedata dair
nizamname (Law concerning Title Deeds to be issued by the Defter-i Khakani for Pure Mik. See Article
10, Ongley, 233.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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