From the Pages of the Defter (ص 63)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 63)
director of finances (ma/ mudiri) Rashid Effendi, and the chief scribe (tahrirat katibi) ‘Abd al-
Salam Effendi.”° Similar listings are found for the other gadas of the Jerusalem province:
Ghazze (Gaza) and Yafa (Jaffa).7°
Tapu and property officials had been appointed by this time at the provincial (/iwa,
sancak) level, however. One Mustafa Beg was listed as both the provincial lands official
(arazi me’muri) and head scribe of the tapu (tapu baskatibi) for the sancak (province) of
Jerusalem. He had two assistants (refiki) working with him, Malikt Mustafa Effendi and
Raghib Effendi. Additionally, there was at the provincial level listed, in the following order: a
registration official (tahrir memuri) for property (emlak), named Hasan Effendi, and two
registrars (mugayyidan), two assessors (mukhamminan), and two surveyors (messahan)
whose names were not recorded. It is significant to note, the assessors were listed before
the surveyors. The salname also listed a number of other positions for the province. No
clerks’ names recorded next to them. In the Registry of Private Property (em/ak) these were
a head scribe (baskatib), a vukuat katibi to record transactions; a senedat ve i‘lamat katibi in
charge of writing tapu certificates, official orders, and reports; and a yevmiyye tahsilat ve
ebniye katibi who would seemingly be responsible for keeping up-to-date the registrar of
9° ISAM, Salname-i Suriye 1286 H / 1869, defa 2: 69. It is unusual that the district is referred to in this
salname merely as Khalil; usually Ottoman documents (and sa/names of other years) use its full name,
°° ISAM, Salname 1286 H / 1869, pp. 68-69.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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