From the Pages of the Defter (ص 66)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 66)
Undoubtedly, these clerks recorded and processed petitions that were forwarded
to them from officials in the provinces. Also at the vilayet level, eight clerks were responsible
for registering properties and issuing tapu deeds (seneds) for emlak. Another four officials in
this department comprised a traveling team (me’murin seyyare).°°°
Not much had changed, however, over the preceding two years at the provincial
(sancak, liwa) and district (qada) levels. The sancak (province) of Sam-i Serif (Damascus) had
one lands clerk and two assistants. In the province of Beirut, there was one clerk with one
assistant. Tripoli had one clerk with two assistants, and the province of Jerusalem had one
clerk, Ibrahim Sa‘l Effendi, and two assistants: Mustafa al-Maliki Effendi and Raghib Effendi.
It is worthy of note that in contrast to the salname of 1869, in 1871 all the provincial lands
clerks within the vilayet were grouped together in the sa/name instead of among the other
officials appointed to each of the provinces, as had been past practice."°’ This move on
paper may indicate that the administration of the Defterhane-yi Khakani was taking a more
coherent form.
In 1872, the administrative status of the province of Jerusalem was changed to a
mutasarriflik which was subordinate directly to Istanbul. From this time on, it is primarily
105 ISAM, Suriye-i Salname 1288 H / 1871, defa 2, p. 52. Details of the branch divisions can be seen on
106 ISAM, Salname 1288, 52. These were the Muhasebe-i Vilayet Su‘besi Senedat Tahrir Emlak Me’murleri
(officials in charge of title deeds for the registration of property in wilayet accounting branch)
107 ISAM, Salname 1288, 107. The listing falls under the headline Dahil vilayet’te olan arazi-i me’murleri
(lands officials within the wilayet ), i.e. at the district level.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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