From the Pages of the Defter (ص 67)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 67)
excluded from the Syrian sa/names, except for details about its postal and telegraph clerks,
which were included in the large-provincial-wide lists of those working in these offices.
Separate Jerusalem yearbooks are not known to exist. By way of comparison with
neighboring districts listed in subsequent sainames, however, we can get a sense of how the
government apparatuses of reform were advancing. By 1874, not only did the provincial
capitals have tapu clerks, the district capitals also did. The Syria sainame for that year lists
tapu clerks (tapu katibi) in the districts (qadas) of Haifa, ° Tabarya (Tiberias), °° and
Safad.’~° At the large-provincial (vilayet) level, a head clerk of registration commissions
(qgumisiyun) had been appointed, and five traveling (seyyare) registration teams had been
formed. Their geographical scope was not identified. Each team was comprised of a
registration official (tahrir memuri), an accompanying scribe (refaget katibi), one or two
registrars (muqayyid), two assessors (mukhammin), and two surveyors (messah).’** In Beirut,
the gadas of Sur and Sayda each had one or two (respectively) combination property and
population-registry clerks (emlak ve nufUs katibi), an assistant (refiq) to them, and a tapu
cler The gadas of ‘Ajlun and Jabal Druze in the Hawran province of Transjordan did not
*08 ISAM, Suriye-i Salname 1291 H (1874), 76.
+9 ISAM, Sa/name 1291, 78.
*° ISAM, Salname 1291, 79.
** ISAM, Salname 1291, 52-53.
“? ISAM, Salname 1291, 64-65.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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