From the Pages of the Defter (ص 68)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 68)
yet have clerks to register properties. "’. In early 1874, however, the Grand Vizier would
announce that land-registry and tapu clerks were in place everywhere across the Empire. ~~
Toward the end of the summer that year, the system of title deeds that had begun in
1858 with the Land Code for usufruct on miri lands, and which was broadened in early 1865
with regulations providing for tapu certificates for leasing rights on waaf lands, was
l 115
expanded to provide title deeds for mulk, as wel The 1874 Emlak nizamname has been
discussed above.
On the Ground in Palestine: Early Beginnings of Land-Tenure Reforms
Voluntary tapu registrations in the Jerusalem region began in the early years of land-tenure
reform. Evidence shows that individuals were registering property with the tapu in
Jerusalem as least as early as 1861. In the late fall of that year, for example, villager Mustafa
b. Muhammad Musa of ‘Isawiyya, near Jerusalem, recorded in the sharia court of Jerusalem
his purchase from a fellow villager of nine girdts (shares of twenty-fourths) of a parcel of
farmland. The parcel was described in the court record by its number (255) and the declared
“3 ISAM, Salname 1291, 86-88.
mM Ongley, 89.
“> Emlak-1 sirfa icin Defterhane’den verilecek senedata dair nizamnname (Code of regulations regarding
the title deeds that will be given by the Office of the Registry [of Landed Properties] especially for
properties (of 28 Rajab 1291 / 10 September 1874. See the text of the law in translation in Ongley, 229-
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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