From the Pages of the Defter (ص 74)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 74)
numerous avenues available to them to carry it out and used a variety of them, depending
upon time and circumstance, after carefully weighing the relative advantages of each.
Before proceeding to examine the Esas-: Emlak register data in the following two
chapters, in this final section of this chapter we will describe the registration itself. In the
next section, we discuss the commissions that were tasked with compiling the defters.
Property Registration Commissions in Palestine
Surmising that voluntary property registration was ineffectual in Palestine, scholarly
attention has tended to focus on tapu certificates and the commissions that went from
village to village and town to town registering lands and issuing them. However, as observed
at the beginning of this chapter, firm evidence about these commissions, when they
commenced and how their work progressed in Palestine, has been absent from the scholarly
discussion. On their beginnings and development, the lengthy Survey of Palestine drawn up
quickly during December 1945 and January 1946 for the Anglo-American Commission of
Inquiry states,
The land registries in Palestine were apparently opened between the years
1867 and 1873. The procedure was that a yuklama (roll call) was held in
each village. ...only a small proportion of transactions was recorded, and
these chiefly concerned elderly persons, females, foreigners and those
sufficiently influential to be able to avoid military service. ... Nor was there
any survey. Areas were sometimes expressed in the quantity of seed
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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