From the Pages of the Defter (ص 77)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 77)
Yoklama #71”, a revised, summary notebook for the town, bringing together ten yoklama
registers, recorded between February/March 1879 (Shubat 1294) and January/February
1892 (Kanun al-Thani 1307). Presumably, all these registers have since been transferred to
the Israeli State Archives.
Kenneth Stein concurs with the British assessment that few land registers were
recorded by the Ottomans for Palestine, and those that were, were “either destroyed by the
Turks in Palestine or removed to Damascus during their retreat”. That said, he found
evidence that “[a] portion of these [Jerusalem] registries and some of those from the
subdistricts of Nablus and Gaza were returned to Palestine in February 1919, while the
registries for the subdistrics of Acre, Haifa, Hebron, Jenin, Nazareth, Safed, Tiberias, and
Tulkarm were found intact, but not complete.”’*°
Amin Mas‘ud Abu Bakr has compiled a list of forty-nine yoklama and daimi registers
housed in the Department of Lands and Cadastre in Jordan. These registers cover areas in
the Jerusalem, Nablus, and ‘Akka provinces and include records for a number of districts and
also specific villages in the central coastal plain as well as mountainous regions from
Ramallah to Nazareth and Beisan (Beit She’an) in the Galilee. The records date from 1873-
3° Kenneth Stein, The Land Question in Palestine, 1917-1939 (Chapel Hill and London: The University of
North Carolina Press), 23. His sources are as follows: Land Department General, ISA, Box 3334/file
14/folio L/1703; Maps and Turkish Documents, ISA, Box 3542 / G44/I; Zionist Commission to Major
William Ormsby-Gore, 1 May 1918, Central Zionist Archive (Jerusalem), $25/7432; League of Nations,
Permanent Mandates Commission: Minutes, Fifth Session, Remarks by Mr. De Caix, 31 October 1924, p.
109; and Turkish Registers, ISA, Box 3527/files 8-14.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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