From the Pages of the Defter (ص 88)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 88)
147 l
there, and the village’s population continued to grow slowly throughout the Mandate.” In
2007, Rihiyya’s population was 3,949."°
Rihiyya’s agricultural properties as registered in 1876 were a handful of small garden
plots (hakyures) of between three and six dunams, each evaluated at 500 kurus per dunam;
two parcels of field-crop land (tarla) that were owned by one individual, the first on Khallat
Shaq! , was 57 dunams in size and the second, on Khallat Wadi(?), was 50 dunams; and,
finally, registered to Rihiyya were 841 dunams of tarla recorded as musha of the villagers of
Dura collectively.““°
As for the second mezra‘, Khirbat al-Asad, its status in 1876 is also somewhat
confusing. The contents page of the emlak register, written in Ottoman hand on the first
page, lists Khirbat al-Asad as a mezra‘ , but the site’s detailed entry on page 117 identifies it
as a village (garye) Yet, no residences are listed there. However, the three parcels of field
crop land (tarla) registered, each thirteen dunams in size, are described as being located “in
the vicinity of the town” (civar al-balad). This was not an uncommon description for land in
the mezra‘s, even when there is no settlement particularly close by. That said, these three
plots of land were registered to individuals whose residences are not noted as being
“7 Dabagh, 213.
8 Al-Sulta al- Wataniyya al-Filistiniyya, al-jihaz al-markazi lil-ihsa’ al-filistint (Palestinian Authority Central
Bureau of Statistics (PA CBS)), Kitab Muhafazat al-Khalil al-Ihsa’l al-sanawi (2) (Annual Statistical
Register (2) for the Hebron District (Ramallah: PA CBS, 2010), 62.
Downloads/book1710.pdf , accessed 7.7.2015. Hereafter, PA CBS.
149 M49 ISA, Esas-1 Emlak, entries #13901-13908.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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