From the Pages of the Defter (ص 122)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 122)
the subsequent generation of Wadi Fukin villagers was conscripted by the dozens into the
Ottoman army to fight in World War I."
About this generation, however, the register
provides no answers to this question. What this close analysis of the data does reveal is that
the top strata of wealth represented by housing value is larger than it had appeared from
the raw data (Chart 2.2). Similarly, it shows that the gap in wealth between the upper and
lower strata is wider than appeared. Thirdly, we see that the middle stratum is only slightly
smaller than it had appeared. Of the twenty residences we formerly enumerated in this
category according to the values alone, we should discount the two odas that are second
residences of people who also owned houses in the upper strata of values. We may also
exclude the two odas owned by Ahmad b. Mustafa (the purple line), since their combined
wealth puts him in the upper stratum. In the same manner, we should add to this category
‘Ali b. Ibrahim, He is the fifth owner of two residences. He claimed two modestly-valued
odas, structures #25 and #26, together valued at 1,000 kurus. They are represented by the
bright blue line.
The dotted blue line leads to ‘Ali b. Ibrahim’s brother ‘Uthman’s residence, structure
#24, which was valued at 750 kurus. Other siblings in Wadi Fukin also registered distinct
residences. Salih’s sons Sulayman and Mahmoud registered structures #5 and #6, valued at
750 and 1,000 kurus, respectively. Anmad and Muhammad, sons of Salame registered
“°° Khaled Hroub, “Ataturk and My Grandfather: The Battles for the Dardanelles and the Wadi Foukeen
Fighters”, Jerusalem Quarterly 51 (2012), 44-48.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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