From the Pages of the Defter (ص 124)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 124)
trends and aberrations from them in order to explain and interpret a phenomenon or set of
87 While the explanatory utility of these efforts is valuable, there is a danger
inherent in the abstraction of statistics from non-statistical Ottoman sources. Tapu registers
and the emlak register examined in this study are not land and property surveys or
ownership surveys. (Similarly, Ottoman population registers are not and were not intended
to be censuses.). The methodology of property-tenure reforms was to assign rights of
responsibility for taxes and rights of ownership. As will be argued in the following chapter,
the Ottoman’s priority was registration, whether to individuals or in communal forms like
musha. To the extent feasible, the Ottomans wanted to register properties to individuals and
small groups of partners. It is important to remember, however, that this was subservient to
the goal itself. To most reliably assess rural propertied wealth according to available
Ottoman data on property assessments it is essential to scrutinize the registers contextually.
The task is somewhat formidable, but doing so, the clearest, sharpest picture possible comes
into focus.
This chapter has demonstrated that the rural sohere in Hebron was a heterogeneous
amalgamation of settlements, varying in wealth, size, and amenities from one village to the
next. It has brought to light that the envisioned broad scope of emlak registration, which was
"7 For examples of such studies, see Grossman (2011), Hutteroth and ‘Abdulfattah (1977), Brawer (1989),
Frantzman (PhD dissertation, 2010); and U.O. Schmelz’s treatment of the 1905 population registers in
his “Demographic Research of the J-m and Hebron Regions Towards the End of the Ottoman Period.” in
David Kushner, ed. Palestine in the late Ottoman period: political, social, and economic transformation:
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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