From the Pages of the Defter (ص 125)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 125)
concerned with both taxable and tax-exempt structures in the built-up areas of the villages,
was implemented in Hebron. Comparing numbers of recorded residences in the emlak
register with population indicators in Ottoman documentation on Hebron villages from the
early 1870s and the early-twentieth century, this chapter has demonstrated that the emlak
register is a reasonable reflection of the rural population and number of residences within
villages. It has brought to light the need to substantially revise upward population
calculations based on coefficient of five, six, and even seven for the term hane. Finally, this
chapter has argued that socioeconomic stratification is a more accurate model of village
society than the traditional view which places undue power in the hands of village mukhtars.
Now we turn to the question of the land. Chapter Three examines the extent of
agriculture and nature of agricultural-property tenure in rural Hebron as declared by the
villages to the emlak commission and accepted by that commission in 1876.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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