From the Pages of the Defter (ص 126)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 126)
Chapter Three
Claiming Property II: Patterns of Agricultural-Property
Registration in the Esas-1 Emlak register
This chapter moves beyond the immediate vicinity of the village and its structures examined
in Chapter Two in order to investigate questions of agricultural-property tenure in the
Hebron rural region. It examines the size of landholdings in the Hebron district and the
cumulative amounts of individuals’ landholdings, with the goal of understanding the
socioeconomics of the region. It also analyzes the ways in which agricultural properties were
claimed and registered by individuals and villages, in order to identify patterns and
characteristics of rural land tenure. The findings presented here for the Hebron district
suggest that accepted scholarly understanding of Palestinian village economy and patterns
of land tenure in the late-Ottoman era is in need of revision. The Esas-1 Emlak reveals that
property tenure in rural Hebron was characterized not only by small plots and small
landholders, but also by communal landholdings, and by large parcels and large landowners.
This chapter challenges the widely accepted idea that the rural economy in the
mountainous regions, where the majority of Palestinians resided, was universally
subsistence-based and characterized by small landholdings. It rectifies a common
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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