From the Pages of the Defter (ص 128)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 128)
which is the focus of this study, were key sources of information in compiling these
agricultural statistics. ~°
The Asian provinces of the empire, including Palestine, were first
surveyed in 1909.
The introduction to the 1909 survey clarifies that production levels as reported in the
statistical compendium were derived from statistics on the amount of usr (tax on harvests)
The tables of information show that landholdings of grains were reported in
three divisions: those 10 dunams or less, those between 10 and 50 dunams, and those larger
than 50 dunams.””’ It is very important to note, these figures do not reflect the total amount
of agricultural properties held by farming families but, rather, the size of their tarla, fields for
growing grains. This appears not to have been understood by two foundational researchers
201 The under-
who have used these statistics, Arthur Ruppin and Avraham Granott.
calculations this led to have influenced not only generations of scholarly writing on
Palestinian land-tenure in the Ottoman period but also political decisions.
198 Tevfik Guran, ed. Osmanli Dénemi Tarim Istatistikleri 1909, 1913, ve 1914 / Agricultral Statistics of
Turkey During the Ottoman Period, vol. 3 (Ankara: Devlet istatistik Enstitisu, 1997), xviii. Turkish.
199. ve
Ibid., xviii, xxi.
200 Ibid., Table 3.2 (1909 statistics for areas today in Turkey); 1325 senesi Asya ve Afrika-i Osmani ziraat
istatistigi (1909 Asian and African (provinces’) Ottoman agricultural statistics (Dersaadet (Istanbul):
Matbaa-i Osmaniye, 1327 / 1911); Jerusalem is on page <3. Ottoman Turkish. Accessed through on 6 Jan. 2016.
201 Abraham Granott, The Land System in Palestine, History and Structure (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode,
1952) ,( trans. by M. Simon of Ha-Mishtar Ha-Qarqa’! b-Aretz Israel (The Land Regime in the Land of
Israel) (Dvir: Tel Aviv, own (1948/49)), 38-39. Arthur Ruppin, Syrien als Wirtschaftsgebiet (Syria as an
Economic Region), 1917 (24 edition, Berlin and Wien: Beniamin Harz, 1920), 84-87. German.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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