From the Pages of the Defter (ص 129)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 129)
Before immigrating to Palestine in 1908, in the early years of the twentieth century
Arthur Ruppin was director of the Berlin Verein fur judische Statistik (Society for Jewish
Statistics). Sent to Palestine by the World Zionist Organization (WZO) in 1907 to investigate
settlement possibilities, Ruppin established WZO’s Palestine Office in Jaffa in 1908 and the
Palestine Land Development Company in 1909. He was an influential member in a number of
the Zionist movement’s infrastructural organizations during the Mandate, from educational
and banking instiutions to the Mekorot water company, the Jewish National Fund (Keren
Kayemet I’Israel, JNF), the kibbutz movment and the Histadrut workers’ union.””* His
importance to the work of Zionist settlement in Palestine cannot be underestimated.
“Ruppin’s abilities and achievements made him, within a short time, the [Zionist]
movement’s ‘primus inter pares’ expert in all matters connected with Palestine ... .
Consequently...the frontiers of the Jewish state in the first Partition Proposal of the Royal
(Peel) Commission in 1937 as well as the subsequent one of the United Nations Special
Commission in Palestine just a decade later, in 1947, actually followed what Ruppin had
prepared when he began his activities in Palestine... 77
Abraham Granott (Granovsky) was born in 1890 in Folesti, today part of Romania. He
became head of the (JNF) in 1919 and settled in Jerusalem in 1922, when the JNF head
202 Ftan Bloom, Arthur Ruppin and the Production of Pre-Israeli Culture (Leiden: Brill, 2012), 1-2; Arieh
Tartakower, “Arthur Ruppin (1876-1943)”, Jewish Social Studies, 5/1 (Jan. 1943), 89-90.
203 Bloom, 3-4.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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