From the Pages of the Defter (ص 131)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 131)
smaller than ten dunams were recorded among hane holdings. According to the final column
in the table, the average amount of land planted with grains by a hane in the province was
207 These numbers are shown in table form in Table 3.1, below.
53 dunams.
In 1917 Ruppin, relying on what he described as a “semi-official publication”,
reproduced these statistics in table form, along with statistics for the provinces of Aleppo,
Damascus, Homs, Beirut, Tripoli, Latakia, Karak, ‘Akka, and Nablus.722 However, either
Ruppin or the source he relied on misunderstood the categories. His source, Résumé de la
Statistique agricole de la Turquie d’Asie et d’Afrique pour l’année 1325, was published by the
Union permanente des délégués du commerce étranger in Istanbul. This international union,
founded in 1905, was composed of representatives of the five foreign chambers of
commerce then existent in Istanbul and representatives of a further nine nations that had
interests in the Empire but no chambers of commerce in the capital. The member states
were Germany, England, USA, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Spain, France, Greece, Holland,
Italy, Persia, Romania, Russia, Sweden, and Norway.”
207 4325 senesi Asya ve Afrika-i Osmani ziraat istatistigi (1909 Asian and African (provinces’) Ottoman
agricultural statistics, page (4.
208 Ruppin, 86.
209 About this organization, see the rapport général of the first Congrés des chambres de commerce
francaises a l’étranger, aux colonies et pays de protectorat. (Bordeaux, 1907), p.22. French. Available
online at: . Accessed 31 July 2015
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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