From the Pages of the Defter (ص 133)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 133)
However, seemingly missing from the sancak provincial data for grains was the data
for the gadas (district) of Hebron, Jaffa, Gaza, and Bir al-Saba‘, as Table 3.0 shows. Further,
Ruppin understood hane to represent a conjugal family when, based on 1905 population
data, it is uncertain that this was the case. Moreover, Ruppin or the translated source he
used seems to have been unaware that the introduction that accompanied the Ottoman
survey of 1909 presented a caveat to its statistics. Since land size was extrapolated from the
‘usr tax on crops, the compilers stated that they believed that production estimates were
more reliable than the data for size of cultivated areas. In their estimation, the size of
cultivated areas had had been underestimated by 25 to 30 percent. 7°
Ruppin, to his credit,
stated that the figure of 3,000 “familien” working in agriculture in the Jerusalem
mutasarriflik (he identified all the sancaks as mutasarrifliks) was far too low, and he
expressed reservation about the reliability of the statistics on more than one point.”””
However, a general attitude of the time (and well into the twentieth century) among
westerners was that Ottoman data was unreliable. His reservations, then, have not led to
investigation by subsequent authors.
Grannot appears to have relied on Ruppin.~ ~~ He states, however, that his source is
“official Turkish data of the year 1909”.*"* Compounding the problem, Granott assumed that
210 Giiran (1997), xviii.
ai Ruppin, 86.
*12 See the discussion in Granott (1952) on pp. 38-39.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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