From the Pages of the Defter (ص 134)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 134)
these statistics represented the tota/ agricultural landholdings of Palestinian families. He
concludes, “The great majority of the fellaheen in the sanjaqs of Jerusalem and Nablus — 67
percent in the sanjaq of Jerusalem and 63 percent in that of Nablus — were in possession of
plots of less than 50 dunams to a family, and such an area was reckoned at that time only as
a small holding.”?"“
However, the statistics he brings, those presented by Ruppin and
reproduced in Table 3.0 above, took only grain land into account. Other agricultural
products — olives, fruit trees, vineyards, and vegetables — are listed in subsequent sections of
the statistical register. For example, it is recorded that there were 3,593,566 olive trees in
the Jerusalem sancak.*"> Precisely, according to the statistics, there were 3,550,000 olive
trees in the Jerusalem district (qada), 12,000 in the Gaza district, and 31,566 in the Yaffa
district of the Jerusalem province.”’° The register also recorded 37,360 dunams of vineyards
(bag) in the Jerusalem sancak: 10,000 dunams in the Jerusalem district, 15,000 in the Gaza
district, and 12,360 in the Jaffa district.7”” It is not clear why the district of Hebron was
*!3 The footnote preceding the discussion of the 1909 data is an article by Ruppin that appeared as a
supplement in a German-language journal about tropical agriculture in December 1916, Tropenpflanzer.
The title of the article is the same as the title of the 1917 book quoted here in its 1920, second edition.
The source of the 1909 data itself is not referenced, other than the description in the text quoted here.
214 Granott (1952), 39.
*!° 1325 senesi Asya ve Afrika-i Osmani ziraat istatistigi (1909 Asian and African (provinces’) Ottoman
agricultural statistics, page 175.
716 Ibid., pp. 216-217.
21” Ibid., p. 242.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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