From the Pages of the Defter (ص 136)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 136)
An Overview of Agricultural Properties and Their Registration in Hebron
Agricultural-property registration in the 1876 Esas-: Emlak register for the villages of the
Hebron district indicates two principal types of ownership. First, individuals and individuals
with one partner (and exceptionally, more than one) registered parcels of land and olive
trees. These properties were recorded in the emlak register under the name of one
individual and, in the case s/he had a partner, there was a notation such as “and partner” or
“and brother”. The name of the partner was never recorded. As will be discussed below,
some of these registrations were what | call representative ownership. The owner registered
in the emlak register was the head of a corporate group of farmers. Second, there were
explicitly communal properties. These included properties denoted as musha and also large
quantities of dunams, usually of field-crop land and/or olives, which were registered en bloc,
wholesale, to the people of a given village communally. These will be discussed in detail
Elucidation of the magnitude of the registration project is found in summary
enumeration of the properties that were registered. There were 3,682 residences registered
in the district’s villages. (See Appendix 2.) Across the district there were registered to
individuals 1,450 garden plots; 1,592 plots of fruit trees (fig and occasionally lemon) and
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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