From the Pages of the Defter (ص 137)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 137)
orchards (bustan); 1,623 plots of grapevines (bag); 372 olive-tree holdings; and 3,852 plots
of field-crop land.””°
Regarding field-crop land, individuals in the district registered a total of 173,337
dunams of land. This is exclusive of non-settled farmlands (mezras).’*" The mezras together
222 In addition to
amount to more than 14,000 dunams of tar/a, as well as 312 olive trees.
this, field-crop land registered en bloc across the district amounted to almost a quarter
million dunams.””° Villages also registered en bloc more than 39,000 olive trees.°”* Table 3.1
on the following pages details the size of en bloc holdings registered by each village. The
significance of this type of holding will be discussed below.
201 amin the process of creating a full database for all fifty villages and eight mezras of the district. It will
include each of the almost-13,900 entries in the register. For the villages which have not yet been
entered into the database or have only partially been entered, page-by-page tabulations of numbers of
plots have been entered into specific-subject databases. | have endeavored to double- and triple-check
calculations; nevertheless, there may be small counting errors.
21 To be precise, forty-nine villages registered 161,872.25 dunams. The amount of field-crop land
registered by individuals in Bani Na ‘im has not yet been calculated. There, 1,296 plots of field-crop land
were registered to individuals. These entries cover 38 register pages, slightly more than ten percent of
the register’s 337 filled pages.
22 Tbe precise: seven of the mezras together encompassed 13,818 dunams. The eighth mezra, the
Masfara, which according to the register’s contents page should have been the final entry in the
register, was not copied into this esas register from the draft register (the whereabouts of which are
2370 be precise, there was a total of 249,777 Ottoman dunams of land registered en bloc to Hebron’s
various villages.
224 Only in some cases were the number of olive trees registered en bloc recorded in the register. To arrive
at this number, | have divided the total assessed value of olive trees registered en bloc (7,850,475 kurus)
by 200, which is the most commonly found value assessment of village trees in the register.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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