From the Pages of the Defter (ص 138)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 138)
While Hebron is famous for its grapes, grape leaves, and grape-products such as dibs
and malban,~”’ vineyards occupied a relatively small percentage of recorded village lands.
With the exception of Hebron’s neighbors to the west and to the north, the villages of Dura
and Halhul, none of Hebron’s sixteen grape-growing villages registered more than 1,000
dunams of grape vines. District-wide (the town of Hebron’s lands excluded), only 6,604.25
dunams of bag were registered, all of it to individuals or individuals with a partner. Individual
plot sizes were small; the average size of a parcel was 4.07 dunams. The crop was highly
valued; its per-dunam value in 1876 was routinely assessed at averages that ranged from
226 Olives, although not grown as extensively as
village to village between 500 and 700 kurus.
in the Nablus region, were also grown in much of the Hebron district. Thirty-nine of Hebron’s
fifty villages registered olive trees; their assessed value across the district totaled more than
8.5 million kurus.””” Using an average value, where calculable, of 200 kurus per olive tree, it
can be deduced that there were more than 42,500 olive trees across the district.?”°
*2° Dibs is grape molasses; malban is dried grape rolls. Both are still locally produced and marketed today
in Hebron and abroad.
226 e.g., the average value-per-dunam of vineyard land in the four villages with the largest holdings of
grapevines were as follows: Dura: 725 kurus per dunam; in Halhul, 499 kurus; in Taffuh, 640.2 kurus, and
in S‘air, 577.67 kurus.
*27 1m most villages olives were registered collectively. In only eleven villages olives were registered to
individuals, and in four of the eleven, between one and three individuals owned olives alongside much
greater quantities registered collectively to the village. In the case of en bloc registration of olive trees,
the number of olive trees was often not given.
228 . . . .
The assessed value of olive trees was calculated according to the number of trees. In cases in which the
number of trees were not included in the register, | have estimated the number by dividing the assessed
value by 200 (kurus), which is the value most often assigned to olive trees in the district.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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