From the Pages of the Defter (ص 141)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 141)
In sum, then, between individual registrations of field-crop land, farmlands, and
communally registered field-crop land, rural Hebron encompassed 437,337 (Ottoman) dunams
of tarla. Mathematically speaking, had the sum of properties been divided equally among all
the residence holders in the district, each would have had117 dunams of field-crop lands, 11.5
olive trees, 1.8 dunams of grapes, and perhaps a garden plot and some fruit trees. To what
degree did registration reflect the reality? There are not many statistical data sets available we
can refer to, for relative indicators of comparison. One is the Village Statistics compiled by the
Mandate government in the mid-1940s. However, the time difference between the two
estimations (seventy years), the redrawing of district lines in the interim, and the difference in
units of measurement (Ottoman dunams are slightly smaller than metric dunams) make
comparison cumbersome. Nevertheless, as a relative indicator it can be noted that in 1945, in
the Hebron district according to its size at the time, there were found to be 67,259 metric
dunams of plantations and irrigable lands and 590,606 dunams of cereal lands.?”
In the following sections of this chapter, the process of registration and patterns of
landed wealth of individuals and of villages in the Hebron district will be examined in detail.
Before plunging in, it needs to be recalled, registration of a property in the Esas-: Emlak was not
a registration of title to that property. The em/ak register was a register of property for tax
purposes. Title was issued through tapu registration. That said, registration in the emlak
229 Village Statistics, Table 2, p. 79.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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