From the Pages of the Defter (ص 147)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 147)
non-contiguous parcels owned by one individual were recorded on separate register lines.
Likely, these five large entries were representative holdings — division of the village’s (former?)
musha into extended-family (hamula)-based proportional shares, for which each of these five
men claimed responsibility for the tax burden for his group. In addition to these large shares,
these five men each held some other agricultural properties. ‘Uthman registered two plots of
237 Nafal owned another four
field-crop land, one 36-dunams in size and the other 35 dunams.
small plots, together totaling 39.5 dunams.7*° Salman registered two dunams of figs and a 27-
dunam plot of field-crop land. Saff and Muhammad each registered another two small plots;
each claimed just 3.25 dunams.”>”
An examination of the other Surif villagers’ landholdings reveals an economically stratified
village. There were largish landholders of single plots, such as Ahmad b. Hassan Far, who
registered a single plot of 80 dunams of field-crop land. His relative Muhammad b. Husayn Far
likewise registered a fair amount of land, 135.25 dunams split between ten distinct parcels: a
vegetable garden of 3.75 dunams; three plots of fig trees (one dunam, 3.25 dunams, and 4.25
dunams in size); and six entries of field-crop plots which measured, 15 dunams, 25 dunams, 8
dunams, 30 dunams, 15 dunams, and 30 dunams in turn.)?"° Ibrahim b. ‘Ali registered just one
agricultural plot, but at 45 dunams, it was sizable. And some villagers claimed very little land.
*37 Feas-1 Emlak Surif entries 150, 178.
238 Fcas-1 Emlak Surif entries 69, 87, 164, 166.
*39 Esas-1 Emlak Surif entries 47, 85, 80, 108.
**° Esas-1 Emlak Surif entries 24, 78, 139, 145, 169, 173, 177, 179, 180, 201.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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