From the Pages of the Defter (ص 149)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 149)
plot of 185 dunams and one of 12 dunams. Table 3.2 on the following page replicates the
division of lands between them in the defter, over eight sequential defter entries.
Table 3.2
Registration of Agricultural Properties
aside from olive trees in Nahalin: Representational Ownership
Property Value (tax)
Owner’s Name type Dunams' (kurus) (kurus)
Shaykh Hasan b. ‘Abdallah garden 12 7,000 28
Ditto (bu dahi) figs 25 50,000 200
ditto tarla 29,125 116.5
‘Aliyan b. Muhammad
ditto figs 50,000
ditto tarla 29,125
garden 7,000 28
The village’s other registered agricultural properties were all olive trees. eleven individuals
registered twelve plots of olive trees and, additionally, a man identified only as ‘Aliyan was
designated mutawalli over a thirteenth plot, which had been made waaf. The olive-tree entries
varied in value from 250 to 3,000 kurus. The largest owner was Salah b. Muhammad Fanun. His
plot was the only olive-tree holding valued above 2,000 kurus. The endowed trees under
‘Aliyan’s care were assessed at a value of 2,000 kurus. The size of these olive-tree holdings can
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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