From the Pages of the Defter (ص 150)
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- From the Pages of the Defter (ص 150)
- المحتوى
only be estimated; while their assessed value was recorded in the register, neither the number
of trees or the size of the land was written down. The total value of olive trees registered in the
village was 16,000 kurus which, according to average district values, translated into about 80
These two or three representational owners, Shaykh Hasan, ‘Aliyan, and ‘Ali, do not
appear to have had other landed wealth. Shaykh Hasan did not register other lands, aside from
these. His only other registered property was his hane which, at a value of 1,000 kurus, must
have been comparatively modest in the village. ‘Aliyan’s residence was one of the 2,000-kurus
homes. He also registered olive trees in his name, valued at 1,250 kurus. ‘Ali ‘Aliyan did not
register other properties in the village.
According to the emlak register, Nahalin villagers appear to have been agriculturally
poor. It is relevant to note, however, that other sources indicate that Nahalin had considerably
more lands than what it registered. The 1945 Village Statistics attribute to the village 1,551
dunams of plantations and irrigable land (483 of which was then owned by Jews) and 5,095
243 Vogsi Katz, who has
dunams of cereal lands (436 of which had been purchased by Jews).
researched Zionist acquisition in the Etsion bloc, found that 440.7 dunams of Nahaltn’s musha
lands and 419.3 dunams of its privately owned land (mafruz) were transferred through
243 Village Statistics, Table 2, p. 103.
133 - هو جزء من
- From the Pages of the Defter
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- Susynne McElrone
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