From the Pages of the Defter (ص 155)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 155)
b. Mansur Shai‘r?"*, Ahmad b. ‘Abd al-Latif ‘Abd al-Daim,7”” and ‘Aliyan b. Salim Hasan. It can be
assumed that these four are representatives of the main families of the two hamulas that until
today comprise this small village.“ The ordering of names and properties in the register gives
some indication of this. Among the five Shal‘rs, Hamdan is the first listed. Among the three
Hussan’s, ‘Ali is also the first to be listed.“”~ The equality of the four shares of field-crop land
indicates that village tarla lands were communal, or they had recently been divided among the
families, or that this division represented the existing musha division among them, even though
the properties were not recorded as such.
Types of Property Registration Part II: Musha (€b« )
Musha has been a subject of interest and debate by researchers for more than a century. It has
been variably defined as a category of land ownership like miri and md a system of land
246 Yis family name is written in two variations in the register: Abu Sh’ar and Sharir,
*47 We is also referred to as Ahmad b. ‘Abd al-Latif ‘Eid and, simply, Ahmad b. ‘Abd al-Latif.
**8 This pattern has been easier to identify in other villages. According to Jab‘a village history, there are two
main hamulas in the village until today. The Musha’ila consists of three families: Abu Lawha, Abu Latifa, and
Hamdan. The other hamula, the Tus, is made up of two family groups: Ahmad and Husayn. See the 2009
article by Dr. Muhib (Abu Muhind) Abu Lawha at
Article_16021.html , accessed 27 May 2015.
28 ‘Aliyan and Ahmad b. ‘Abd al-Latif’s other family-group members are not readily identifiable from the list
of names.
290 Roger Owen, The Middle East in the World Economy 1880-1914 (London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 1984),
256 (and discussion 256-259); Kenneth Stein (1984), 14, and following him more recently, Michael Ewing,
“Land Acquisition in Palestine in the Late Ottoman Period”,
acquisition-in-palestine-in-the-late-ottoman-period.html#_ftn10 , posted 2013; accessed 23 February 2015.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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