From the Pages of the Defter (ص 167)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 167)
Table 3.4
Numbers of olive trees on plots in Sh‘ib al-Faris, Shuyukh village’?
Two sets of figures in this table have undoubtedly drawn your attention. First, as is apparent
from the first and third calculated columns, in Shuyukh the method of evaluation of olive trees
was exceptional, based not on a per-tree calculation but, rather, on the number of dunams on
which the trees were planted, regardless of the density of planting. Second, the assessed value
of Shuyukh’s olive groves when calculated on a per-tree basis, as was the norm, was far below
the average value assigned to olive trees in the Hebron district, which was typically two
hundred kurus per tree. In 1999, al-Shuyukhi wrote that his village’s ancient olive trees
continued to give generous yields,”®° so poor returns can be ruled out as the cause for this
abnormally low assessment of this sector of the village’s agricultural wealth.
279 Esas-1 Emlak entries # 13736 — 13744.
789 al-Shuyukhi, 12, 41.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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