From the Pages of the Defter (ص 169)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 169)
There is historical precedent for reducing Shuyukh’s taxes. Although the village did not
figure among the four Hebron villages that registered sufi lodges (zawiya) in the late nineteenth
century, the dhikr ceremony was regularly held in Shuyukh, a practice that continued
throughout the twentieth century.” The inheritance record (tereke) of Shaykh ‘Arif b. Anmad
b. Salih al-Hasasne of Shuyukh, for example, attests to the shaykhly title assigned to the village
and so many of its villagers. This Shuyukhi villager died in 1911 while living a few villages away,
in Surif. Among the possessions he left to his wife, mother, and children alongside a horse, two
donkeys, six goats, a silver watch, a sword, and 142 French liras (equivalent to a local fortune,
15,620 kurus), was a small library of three “torn books”: al-Samargandi’s Tanbih al-Ghafilin,
Ibrahim Muhammad ‘Abd al-Baq!’s Durrat al-Wa‘izin, and an unnamed book by Abu Ma‘shar al-
According to the author al-Shuyukhi, in answer to a petition presented in Istanbul by a
number of Shuyukhis in December 1679, a sultanic firman today preserved in private hands in
the West Bank exempted the village and its villagers from taxation. Al-Shuyukhi incorrectly
claims that the exemption was permanent, stating that the village did not pay any taxes during
the Ottoman period and was not registered in Ottoman tax records. Although the emlak
*83 al-Shuyukhi (p. 35) reported in 1999 that every Monday and Friday evening and occasionally at times of
celebrations or on the occasion of hajjis returning from Mecca, the dhikr was still performed in the village
*84 HR 22 / 40 / 74 (8/73), 3 al-Qada 1329 / 26.10.1911. In this period, Shuyukh was a village of 57 hanes,
while Surif had 77.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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