From the Pages of the Defter (ص 173)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 173)
3 properties were assessed at 100 kurus per dunam. The Grade 2 properties were assessed at
150 kurus per dunam, with the exception of two properties. The parcel of 1,096 dunams in
Khallat al-Fara was assessed higher, at 175 kurus per dunam, and the 1,500-dunam parcel in al-
Marura was assessed at 134 kurus per dunam. Ten of the fourteen Grade-1 parcels were
assessed at 175 kurus per dunam. The other four ranged from 150 kurus per dunam to 179.76
kurus per dunam.
One understands from all these numbers and ranges that the agricultural plots were
evaluated individually and their values carefully assessed. Samu‘ was rich agriculturally. There
**" The property-
was enough land to distribute at least 253.6 dunams to each residence holder.
tax on these lands should have been 8,099.25 kurus but the scribe made an error in totaling the
values of the lands, calculating them at 2,004,575 kurus instead of 2,024,825 kurus, so the
village’s property tax was calculated lower, at 8,018 kurus and 12 para. If the tax burden was
split equally between residence holders, each would have been liable for 140.7 kurus annually,
almost equal to the average price of three adult goats at the time.
In Yatta as in Shuyukh, the village’s 21,312 dunams of musha were not registered by location.
Unlike in Samu‘ and Shuyukh, however, the musha in Yatta was registered to individuals. Sixty-
*°! There were 64 structures in the village. Of these, four werecaves and three were ‘arsas. The category of
the other forty-one structures, one full register page, was omitted from the record. | am calculating the
number of residences as 57, but the number could be lower or, potentially higher if all forty-one structures
of unknown type were residences and the caves, too, served as residences.
292 Feas-1 Emlak entries #10151-11075.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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