From the Pages of the Defter (ص 174)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 174)
four men registered sixty-four equal shares, each one 333 dunams of field-crop land that was
assessed at a value of 50,000 kurus, just slightly more than 150 kurus per dunam. Similar to the
situation in Shuyukh, the location of the land was not recorded. “Musha” was written in the
“location” column of the defter. The village’s musha totaled 21,312 dunams. This likely meant
that the individual shares could be anywhere within the lands owned communally as musha.
That is, their locations were not fixed on the ground.
Aside from the musha, Yattawi villagers also registered another 4,000 dunams
individually. Almost 3,000 dunams of this were plots of field-crop land ranging in size from one
dunam to the largest parcel, 115 dunams. The majority (101 plots) were between 1 and 9
dunams. Another 72 entries measured between 10 and 49 dunams; 39 of these were between
ten and nineteen dunams, and fifteen plots were between forty and forty-nine dunams. Three
of these plots measured between eighty and eighty-nine dunams. Villagers also individually
registered 390 fig trees, 3,813 olive trees, 530 dunams of vineyards and 13.25 dunams of
vegetable gardens.
The musha shareholders were not all owners of residences, as one might expect. Of
these sixty-four men, only thirty of them registered a residence in town. Most of the musha
shareholders held a number of landed properties, but twelve of them did not register in their
names any properties at all other than their musha plots. Grouping individuals in the register
and their properties according to families gives some reasons how this could be so. The three
Abu Qabita brothers, for example. The family’s musha was registered in the name of Ahmad b.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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