From the Pages of the Defter (ص 178)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 178)
shareholders. The ‘Amaira musha was slightly smaller than that of the ‘Arjan, totaling 37,464
In addition, “the people of Dura” held 841 dunams of tarla designated as musha within
the mezra of Rihiyya, which bordered Dura’s lands to the south. As in Yatta, there were also
non-musha plots of field-crop land of varying sizes, vegetable gardens (hakyures and bagces),
olive trees, and vineyards.
While investigating land issues brought before the Jerusalem district administrative council
(meclis-i idare) at the end of the first decade of the twentieth century, Haim Gerber found
reference to a 1911/12 (1327 maliyye) order from Istanbul to Jerusalem. The order prompted
the Council that year to direct local land-registration authorities to undertake “a basic land
survey in the province of Jerusalem”. The Administrative Council quoted the central-
government order in its directive to local authorities. In his 1985 study on Ottoman rule in
Jerusalem at the end of Ottoman rule, Gerber likewise quoted the order, in translation:
The relevant passage reads as follows: ‘No basic [land (hg)] survey was
conducted at the time [of initial registration (sm)] in the province of Jerusalem,
and the lands of the villages were registered in the land registry in common
and divided up among the villagers, on an individual basis. Therefore, when
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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