From the Pages of the Defter (ص 179)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 179)
[landowners (hg)] applied to receive title-deeds (senedat), they encountered
difficulties, which increased daily.°”
Gerber found the passage relevant because, as he understood it, it demonstrated that musha
was indeed registered in the tapu. While it is true that musha was registered in the tapu, as will
303 As we have
be seen in Chapter 4, | do not believe that this is what was being referred to here.
seen above, musha was not disallowed by the emlak registration commission. In fact, villages
had relative freedom to register musha as they saw fit. Shuyukh registered its musha-turned-
waaf all on one line. Samu‘ chose to register musha line-by-line according to its location, but
not to individuals but, rather to “the people”. Dura and Yatta registered their musha to
individual shareholders. As we will see in Chapter 4, tapu deeds were also granted under these
| believe the difficulties pointed to in the central-government communication bring us
back to one of the points discussed at the beginning of this chapter: the en bloc registrations.
As shown in Table 3.1 at the beginning of this chapter, en bloc registrations appear to have
been stop-gap measures taken advantage of by most of the villages. Perhaps it results from
3°? Gerber (1985): 214. When Gerber conducted his research, the Administrative Council files had not yet
been catalogued by the ISA. He cites the document referred to here as #2515 from the year 1327.
308 Unfortunately, Gerber does not reproduce the original Turkish. It would be desirable to confirm that
“basic [land] survey” was, in the original, esas-i yoklama and also that “in common” is indeed, not a
translation of the word mushd’ . My assumption is that Gerber would have noted the Ottoman/Arabic term
if it were used, as he noted sendedati. It is likely that a different phrase, perhaps istiraken, was used. | do
not question Gerber’s translation, per se. Rather, | question his interpretation of the meaning of the
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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