From the Pages of the Defter (ص 189)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 189)
Table 4.1:
Available Ottoman Population Data on Jamrira and Surrounding Villages
Taffuh mezra‘/settled
households n/a No information
residences n/a n/a
Idhna village
households n/a
residences n/a
Note: The designation “n/a” indicates that this type of information is not regularly provided by this
type of source. The designation “no information” means the information was provided by the
primary source consulted by the authors but excluded from their published findings. The number
of households refers to the number of family units, the majority of them being extended families.
This was the unit-group used in early-Ottoman tapu registers and in the 1905 population register.
The number of residences refers to the number of residential structures, whether standalone or
part of a larger structure, that were counted separately in the 1876 property-value assessment
been able to obtain a copy of the map that should accompany the article. Jamrura/Jamrun is #20 on his
Hebron nahiya map, and Jamrin is #21. See his article,
376 Al-Bakhit and al-Sawariyyah, 2007.
377 Hiitteroth and Abdulfattah, 1977.
318 ISA, RG 39, file T-107/4 (107/4-0 7'n ,39'vN .n..R).
319 ISA, RG 39, file NF, registers #220 (Idhna), 220, 223 (Bayt Kahil), 223 (Taffuh), 225 (Tarqumiya).
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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